Author Brenda Miller
Brenda Miller is the author of six essay collections, most recently A Braided Heart: Essays on Writing and Form (University of Michigan Press, 2021). Her book of collaborative essays with Julie Marie Wade, Telephone: Essays in Two Voices, won the Cleveland State Poetry Center Award for an essay collection and was published in 2021. She co-authored Tell It Slant: Creating, Refining, and Publishing Creative Nonfiction (Third Edition 2019) and The Pen and The Bell: Mindful Writing in a Busy World. Her poetry chapbook, The Daughters of Elderly Women, received the 2020 Floating Bridge Press Chapbook Award. Her work has received six Pushcart Prizes. She is a Professor of English at Western Washington University and associate faculty at the Rainier Writing Workshop.
Brenda Miller’s voice is a beacon of light.Terry Tempest Williams
Brenda Miller writes with such extraordinary grace and intimacy that, despite our weariness and fears, we find ourselves falling in love with the world all over again.Kim Barnes
Brenda Miller continues to do what Brenda Miller always does: make the ordinary extraordinary… In these beautifully composed essays, Miller explores, digs, meditates on what it means to be a woman in this world, to be alive and breathing.Ira Sukrungruang
Miller shows us that a love of language is not merely the province of the poet, but that in the hands of a skillful and original prose writer, the essay becomes, in its own fashion, an ode, an elegy, a sonnet, a sestina.Robin Hemley
Brenda Miller's classes and presentations always leave me feeling informed, energized, and excited to return to my work. Besides gathering new ideas, I often come away with a new approach to my writing practice. In my experience, that’s a rare and special gift.Susan Olding, author of 'Big Reader'
Brenda Miller is a luminary in the field of Creative Nonfiction, a leader in the exploration of new forms. She is also an experienced and gifted teacher, presenter, and mentor. She is deeply knowledgeable, skilled, intuitive, generous, and kind. Her presentations are always lively and engaging and leave me with a renewed sense of energy and possibility.Tarn Wilson, author of 'In Praise of Inadequate Gifts'